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About Album

BARSAAT wasn’t planned, it was sparked by inspiration. One evening, a family gathering was enlivened by the song “Barsaat.” The energy was electric, and amidst the company of Amaal and Armaan a shared excitement ignited. “This is a great song,” we thought, “we need to get it out there!” The decision was swift. Bypassing the traditional route of big labels and lengthy processes, they turned to their own recently established venture, MWM music label. The creative journey continued. When Armaan proposed dad daboo malik directing the music video, a special chapter unfolded. Here was a chance for a father-son bond to be captured on film. Daboo initially hesitant, found himself directing his son for the first time. The experience proved to be a beautiful synergy – Armaan, deeply attuned to his father’s vision, brought his own creative flair to the project. Filming Barsaat, in heavy rain, presented a unique challenge. The heavens opened, showering the crew with an unexpected downpour. But serendipity intervened. As if guided by a benevolent force, the rain became a perfect backdrop for the song’s theme. Miraculously, whenever sunshine was needed for a scene, the clouds parted, revealing a clear sky. The two-day shoot, a whirlwind of activity under umbrellas and raincoats, became a testament to the team’s dedication. BARSAAT became a important chapter in MWM’s history, a testament to family, creativity, and a touch of cosmic luck.

Release Date

September 23, 2021


Kunal Vermaa


Amaal Mallik


Amaal Mallik


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