
Chalo Theek Hai
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About Album

“Chalo Theek Hai,” a song by Amaal Malik that tugs at the heartstrings, was destined to be filmed amidst the breathtaking beauty of Kashmir. The moment we heard the melody, the visuals became clear: snow-capped mountains, winding rivers,and the sheer majesty of nature. Despite neither Amaal nor I having been to Kashmir before, we knew it was the perfect setting. There were apprehensions, of course. How would the local crew function? Would managing logistics in such a remote location be a nightmare? But the beauty of Kashmir was undeniable. The haunting melody, composed by Amaal had to have the snowy landscape . Krish Trivedi, the director, envisioned a captivating story featuring a new actress. Filming this song was a remarkable journey filled with learning experiences. Understanding the Kashmiri terrain was crucial. We traversed mountains, crossed rivers, and filmed on bridges, all the while ensuring the cameras captured the raw emotions of the song. “Chalo Theek Hai” became particularly close to Amaal’s heart, a song that resonated with audiences and evoked the pain of love lost. Filming wasn’t without its challenges. Unrest in the region caused some difficulties, but the team persevered. A local dance sequence added a touch of vibrancy, with children joining the lead actress. The joy of dance amidst the melancholic theme was a powerful contrast. One scene involved Amaal riding a boat on a river for the first time. Filming him from another boat presented logistical hurdles, but the local crew’s resourcefulness shone through. They even helped Amaal maneuver the boat for the perfect shot. The hospitality of the Kashmiri people was heartwarming. Delicious local cuisine fueled the crew, and the unforgettable evenings spent by the bonfire under the starlit sky became cherished memories. Kashmir, with its magnificent mornings,glorious nights, and the contrasting emotions of the song, left an indelible mark on us all. “Chalo Theek Hai” stands as a significant release for MWM. It’s more than just a song; it’s a testament to the power of natural beauty, human resilience, and the enduring magic of music.

Release Date

July 6, 2022


Kaushal Kishore


Amaal Mallik


Amaal Mallik


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