
About Album

Daboo Malik and MWM didn’t have a lot of songs in their kitty. One day, he came across a talented couple, Harsh and Kasturi Wavre, and was impressed by their beautiful voices. He wanted to give them a proper launch but wasn’t sure how. Then, an idea struck him! He had a song called “Kuchh Khwab” (Hindi for “Some Dreams”) that he thought would be perfect for them. But there was a twist – he would create a Marathi version of the song as a tribute to their Marathi roots.The Wavre Brothers skilled lyricists, were brought in to weave the magic. To Malik’s surprise, the Marathi lyrics, titled “Kahi Swapna” (meaning “Some Dreams” in Marathi), fit perfectly with the original Hindi tune. “Kahi Swapna” became a big hit, and its success inspired Malik to create a Bengali version as well. This new version,called “Na Bole Kotha” (meaning “Don’t Say Anything”), was also well-received. The story of Kahi Swapna is a heartwarming tale of adaptation, regional love, and the power of music to transcend languages.

Release Date

November 29, 2020

Music Distribution

Phonographic Digital limited (


Kahi Swapna

Composed by

Daboo Malik

Artists & Singers

Harshavardhan Wavre & Kasturi Wavare


Trineeti bros

Video Director & Editor

Aditya Patekar


Raj Tambat , Karan Wavre & Aditya Patekar

Song programmed Mixed & Mastered by

Karan Wavre & Aditya Patekar @ Trineeti Studios.


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