
About Album

Tarjani Hirani was determined to be part of the MWM journey. She persistently sent various songs, hoping to secure a place on our label. I suggested she approach larger labels for better support, which she and her team must have tried, but she returned, expressing her strong desire to release a song through MWM. She seemed comfortable and content with the idea of working with us rather than pursuing bigger companies. During one meeting with her and her brother, I decided to find a way to release a new song she had created. The song had a unique guitar sound that I liked, but the final mix was unsatisfactory. I took the mix to the studio, made extensive edits,and worked closely with my team to achieve the desired sound. I presented the new mix to Tarjani, emphasizing that a release would require this significantly different version. To connect with her audience and potential music buyers, I suggested she create a short video. She dedicated herself to this task and produced an impressive video. It was fascinating to see a classical singer perform a rock song with such dedication and hard work. Her approach as both a singer and actress was captivating. Finally, “Mere Pass” was released. It’s interesting how her classical background added a unique dimension to the pop song, making it truly special.

Release Date

February 16, 2024

Singer Composer Lyrics

Tarjani Hirani

Music Producer

Meet Vyas

Mixed Master

Partho Protim

Mix & Back Up Vocals by

Daboo Malik

Video Producer



Manav Patel


Manav Patel

Asst. Dop








Post Production


Costume and Styling


Makeup and Hair



kabiraspeakingg_n and Tarjani Hirani


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Jake Bell

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Willa Nice